LIVE , Nov 6th - Registration Ends Soon, So Don’t Wait!

Create Or Modify Your High Ticket Offer So You Can Scale 
With Confidence At…

High Ticket Offer LIVE

Join Dan Lok As He Unveils The Secrets To Transforming Any Offer Into A 7 Or 8 Figure High Ticket Offer Live On Zoom!

Begins Live, November 6th @ 10am PST

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Who Else Wants To Create Powerful Offers That 
Penetrate New Markets, Dominate Industries, And 
Attract High Value Clients On Command?

At this groundbreaking online workshop for High Ticket Business Owners Dan Lok, the revered “King of High Ticket”, will unveil the secrets to transforming any offer into a High Ticket offer capable of generating millions in revenue, just like he's done dozens of times with his own High Ticket offers…

Attend as a VIP and get your high-ticket offer completely reimagined by Dan LIVE at the workshop. With limited VIP spots available, Dan will pull no punches as he revamps and transforms your offer on the spot, making it irresistible and ready to convert.

How To Create, Modify, Or Improve ANY Offer To Generate Maximum Sales On Demand With High Ticket Offer Secrets You Won’t Find Anywhere Else…

There’s nothing more frustrating than spending days – or weeks – creating an offer only to have your market reject it on sight.

All that preparation… all that planning… all that time away from loved ones… only to have your offer fall on deaf ears.

You deserve better.

After all, you’ve spent years developing your skills – you’re good at what you do – but nobody's ever shown you how to create high-ticket offers that sell like crazy.

And that means you’re probably making simple mistakes that can easily be fixed at Dan Lok’s High Ticket Offer LIVE workshop.

Who’s It For?

  • If You Want To CREATE A High Ticket Offer - But You Don’t Know How To Put A High Ticket Offer Together… Dan will show you his simple secrets for creating your first profitable high ticket offer. You'll discover what to put in your offer, what to leave out, how to price your offer, and much more…
  • If You Have A Low Ticket Offer And Want To MODIFY It To Turn It Into A High Ticket Offer - Dan will show you dozens of options for upsizing your offer, increasing the price, repackaging it to sell to premium buyers for whom price is not an issue… 
  • If You Have A High Ticket Offer And Want To IMPROVE It To Get To 6 Or 7 Figures In Sales – Dan will show you how to take a good offer and make it great, including how to position your offer differently, subtract or add elements to make it stand out and sell more…
In short, you’ll…

Walk In Knowing Very Little About How To Create 
High Ticket Offers That Sell… 

And Walk Out With A High Ticket Offer Capable Of 
Generating $1 Million In Sales…

Bold Promise? I don’t think so…

Dan Lok has generated over $100+ million with his own High Ticket offers - some of those offers have generated over $25 million. Others brought in over $10 million in sales. Almost every offer Dan launches does more than $1 million in 12 months or less.

With results like that, he obviously knows something about creating high ticket offers that can increase your sales.

In addition to his own success, Dan has transformed the lives and businesses of hundreds of people for over a decade.

Here Are Just Some Of The People Already Reaping The Benefits Of Dan’s High Ticket Offer Secrets…

The truth is, hardly anyone has enough experience with high-ticket offers to show you how to do it right.

But all that changes now... because Dan Lok will arm you with all the tools and thinking you need to quickly unlock a flood of sales in your market with High Ticket Offers that sell.

Tickets Are Selling Fast
Register Now To Avoid Missing Out:


Nov 6th, 10am to 2pm Pacific time



Now, At Last, These High Ticket Offer Secrets Can Be Yours…

Here’s What You’ll Discover At High-Ticket Offer LIVE…

At High Ticket Offer LIVE Dan Lok will reveal the secrets behind his own astonishingly successful offers that generate millions in sales…

And then you'll watch as he does live critiques and offer makeovers for VIP attendees (as a VIP Dan will personally makeover your offer at the workshop - see how to become a VIP below).

High Ticket Offer LIVE is designed to not merely teach you, but to actually guide, direct, instruct, and mentor you to transform your offers from mediocre to millions in sales.

Unless you fail to act on the high ticket offer secrets revealed at the workshop you should see substantial results within days of attending.

For example, you’ll see:
  • WHAT EVERY HIGH TICKET OFFER THAT GENERATES OVER $1 MILLION IN SALES HAS IN COMMON - SO YOU CAN MODEL THESE SECRETS IN YOUR OWN OFFERS. Track the results of any offer that pulls over $1 million in sales and you’ll see they all follow a certain formula. Once you know the formula your offers will generate maximum sales for you
  • HOW TO QUICKLY CREATE HIGH TICKET OFFERS THAT SELL TO EAGER BUYERS FOR HUGE PROFIT MARGINS. Money loves speed. The faster you can take your new offer to market the better. Here’s how to create powerful High Ticket offers for any market fast
  • THE 5 TYPES OF OFFERS YOUR BUSINESS MUST HAVE TO SCALE FROM $100,000 TO $1 MILLION+ A MONTH. No more wondering if you have the right offers or you’re creating your offers in the right way to scale
  • ​HOW TO ADD A ZERO™ TO YOUR OFFER WITHOUT LOSING SALES, and without crowding your offer with a bunch of bells and whistles that don’t advance the sale. Many people add things to their offers that turn prospects off or that aren’t necessary. Discover the High Ticket Offer formats and formulas that work
  • THE HIDDEN HIGH TICKET MINDSET. How to live and breathe high ticket, so there’s nothing holding you back mentally and sales calls become a ‘sort and sift’ game.
  • THE ONE-SENTENCE CHANGE YOU CAN MAKE TO ANY OFFER TO INSTANTLY DOUBLE SALES​. With Dan’s Instant Offer Statement™ you can condense your offer into 1 simple but powerful sentence that melts the heart of even the most cold (or distracted) prospect.
You’ll also discover Dan’s secrets to creating multiple offers to speed up your success through ascension marketing. Used correctly, an ascension ladder maximizes the LTV (lifetime value) of every client you bring in - turning an initial free or low-cost service into high ticket offers you can easily sell for $25,000 to $50,000, even $400,000 per client like this client did:

Ivan used Dan Lok’s High Ticket Offer secrets to go from selling a $5,000 coaching service to creating an offer for the top tier of his 

clients who willingly pay $400,000.00 each!

Here’s Even More Actionable Advice You’ll Discover At This 
One-Of-A-Kind 4-Hour LIVE Workshop…

  • How to take a basic offer and “soup it up” so you can scale to $10 million and beyond

  • How to define the perfect offer for your market so you can create maximum sales

  • How to package and present your offer so it's more appealing to your ideal clients

  • How to take your current offer and sell it for 2 to 10 times the price you’re charging now – without getting price resistance 

  • How to automate your service or turn your service into a product (productize) so you can charge for results instead of exchanging time for money

  • How to attract premium buyers for whom price is not an issue – they’re out there but you need to know how to target and sell to them effectively

  • How to quickly expand your range of offers so you can profit from the different parts of your market instead of leaving money on the table

  • And much more
The High Ticket Offer LIVE makeover event represents hands down – the most affordable and useful marketing transformation experience you may ever have the chance to attend - IF your business is suitable and ready.

Tickets Are Selling Fast
Register Now To Avoid Missing Out:


Nov 6th, 10am to 2pm Pacific time



Attend as a VIP and Watch Dan Reimagine Your Offer LIVE at the Event


As a VIP, Dan will personally reimagine and completely revamp your offer LIVE, giving it the breakthrough it needs to maximize sales and profits. With limited VIP spots, this exclusive experience ensures your offer is transformed in real-time.

Even if you can’t secure a VIP spot, you’ll still gain immense value by watching as Dan reworks VIP offers—learning from the key insights and transformations that could apply directly to your own.
High Ticket Offer LIVE


  • Live Stream Access to all 4hrs of High Ticket Offer LIVE.
  • ​Chance to interact with Dan and other like-minded business owners on High Ticket Offers via Zoom.
  • ​LIMITED to 100 Business Owners


High Ticket Offer LIVE


  • Everything in Regular ticket plus…
  • ​Guaranteed 15 minutes coaching time with Dan during Extreme Offer Makeover.
  • Eliminate all uncertainty about your High Ticket Offer with Dan’s personalized coaching.
  • ​LIMITED to 8 Business Owners


Who MUST Attend?

There are certain types of businesses for whom attending is an absolute no-brainer. For example, if you have a business that sells products or services for $1,200 to $50,000 you’d be crazy NOT to attend. 

Certainly anyone with a strong, serious interest in reaching more affluent, less price conscious customers or clients.

Or anybody who wants to grow more rapidly by selling higher priced products or services to fewer clients instead of selling low-priced products and services to the masses. 

These include, but are not limited to:

  • Financial Advisors and Investment Professionals
  • Dentists, Chiropractors, other Health Care Professionals
  • Real Estate Agents
  • Luxury Goods Retailers
  • Those Marketing To Parents
  • Kitchen and Home Remodelers
  • B2B Sales Professionals - to Entrepreneurs or Executives
  • Attorneys
  • Artists & Photographers
  • Jewelers
  • Home Service Businesses
  • Architects
  • Mortgage Brokers
Basically anyone who already has -- or wants to begin -- packaging and selling high ticket offers to accelerate their wealth, massively increase their income, elevate their lifestyle and position themselves as a superior force in the market... 

If the idea of becoming masterful at creating, promoting, and selling high ticket offers that increase your status, elevate your authority, and make you immune to economic forces is appealing to you... you're invited to attend High Ticket Offer LIVE


Nov 6th, 10am to 2pm Pacific time



Just One New Client Obtained As A Result Of Attending High Ticket Offer LIVE, Covers The Puny Cost To Attend Many Times Over…

Dan commands fees as high as $25,000 a day to coach private clients.

If you hired him to teach you his High Ticket Offer strategies personally you’d pay at least $5,000 for an hour of his time.

And it’d be worth every cent. Because just one new client gained as a result of Dan’s High Ticket Offer strategies more than covers any fees paid to him.

But you won’t pay $25,000 or even $5,000.
When you attend High Ticket Offer LIVE Dan will lay out the complete strategy for creating High Ticket Offers that sell like crazy for a tiny fraction of his normal fee.

In fact, you can spend 4 hours with Dan live on Zoom at High Ticket Offer LIVE as a VIP for just $997 (as a VIP ticket holder you get personal coaching from Dan on your offer).

Tickets Are Selling Fast. 
Register Now To Avoid Missing Out:

High Ticket Offer LIVE


  • Live Stream Access to all 4hrs of High Ticket Offer LIVE.
  • ​Chance to interact with Dan and other like-minded business owners on High Ticket Offers via Zoom.
  • ​LIMITED to 100 Business Owners


High Ticket Offer LIVE


  • Everything in Regular ticket plus…
  • ​Guaranteed 15 minutes coaching time with Dan during Extreme Offer Makeover.
  • Eliminate all uncertainty about your High Ticket Offer with Dan’s personalized coaching.
  • ​LIMITED to 8 Business Owners


Here’s What People Are Saying About The Quality Of Training Provided By Dan Lok

Answers to Questions You May Have Before Attending The High Ticket Offer LIVE…

High Ticket Offer LIVE


  • Live Stream Access to all 4hrs of High Ticket Offer LIVE.
  • ​Chance to interact with Dan and other like-minded business owners on High Ticket Offers via Zoom.
  • ​LIMITED to 100 Business Owners


High Ticket Offer LIVE


  • Everything in Regular ticket plus…
  • Guaranteed 15 minutes of one-on-one coaching with Dan during the Offer Reimagining session, where he will personally reimagine and enhance your offer on the spot.
  • Eliminate all uncertainty about your High Ticket Offer with Dan’s personalized coaching.
  • ​LIMITED to 8 Business Owners


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IMPORTANT: Earnings and Legal Disclaimers
We don't believe in get-rich-quick programs. We believe in hard work, adding value and serving others. And that's what our programs are designed to help you do. As stated by law, we can not and do not make any guarantees about your own ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, programs or strategies. We don't know you and, besides, your results in life are up to you. Agreed? We're here to help by giving you our greatest strategies to move you forward, faster. However, nothing on this page or any of our websites or emails is a promise or guarantee of future earnings. Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites or emails, are simply estimates or projections or past results, and should not be considered exact, actual or as a promise of potential earnings - all numbers are illustrative only. If you have questions, email Thanks for stopping by. Until next time, remember: You’re closer than you think.
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